Hangeh App

Your Social Marketplace

One place to stay connected and engage with neighbours.

Sign Up


The home page of your community

The simplest way to stay updated, engaged in the loop.

Announcements & broadcasts
Resident surveys & polls
Community FAQ's


Share tips or find recommendations

From local favourites to travel ideas, tap into the collective knowledge of your community. Who's better than your own neighbours to get recommendations.


Ask your neighbours for help

Experience a truly supportive community - ask for help, or anything you might need from your neighbours.

Polls & Surveys

Real-time community feedback

The simplest way to do resident surveys, vote online or gauge interest.


The best of sharing & gig economy

Garage sales, renting items, skill exchange or even bulk buying from local businesses. Hangeh makes this process super simple, easy and more importantly, fun. ⁠

Verified listings
In-app payments
Local deals & discounts


Have seamless transactions

No need to worry about payments anymore. We take care of it on your behalf with our secure in-app payments for all marketplace transactions.


Have secure and private conversations

Unlike facebook or WhatsApp groups, Hangeh keeps your community truly private. One place for all your messages or management requests.


Neighbour led events and shared experiences

From pizza parties to game nights - have events or activities tailored to resident interests that foster meaningful interactions and community building.


Connect over common hobbies or interests

Find a gym buddy, do group yoga, plan an outdoor adventure or explore new hobbies with interest groups


Build community, earn rewards

Have a unique link to share with your neighbours and get in-app credits, raffle gifts and rewards.

Enterprise features built for communities of all sizes

Powered by technology, rooted in human connection.

Online Voting
& Surveys
AI Bylaw
Insights & 
Local Business
Helpdesk & 
Request Demo
As featured in
Hanged community with multiple buildings and people

Start your Community

You can help bring Propflow to your community. We’ll be happy to send you pre-curated materials that you can easily share with your building’s resident council or management company or if you share their email with us below, we can send it to them directly.

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We’ll be happy to send you all the materials you need to launch Hangeh in your building and easily share with your fellow council members and residents. It’s super easy and quick to get started. Hangeh is a proven way to increase resident happiness and build community in multifamily buildings.

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We’ll be happy to send you all the materials you need to launch Hangeh in your building and also easily share with the Strata or Management council for feedback or approval.

"A building’s sense of community can be considered the amenity with highest long-term ROI”. 2021 CBRE Multifamily Innovation

Community is the new amenity! Hangeh is a proven way to increase resident happiness and build community in multifamily buildings.

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Let's hangeh?

Currently available in select neighbourhoods in Vancouver, BC. Download the app to get started!